Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My story

So there I was 5:30 am...yes I know there is a 5:30 am but I was there in liner with about a dozen other people all waiting.......excited........wondering......we were all scred to gewt out of line to go to the bathroom but a coffee chop opened early so we all made a pac to save each others spot so we could run and get cofffee or a begal if we wished.....but who could eat at a time like this? YAHOO the doors finally opened, 30 minutes per person they told us, ouch. You see I was on duty that friday and due to be at Fort Lawton at noon. So I was in uniform. Ya I know I wasn't trying to get any points but I had to go straight to work after I got it.....Finally the time came and I got my phone I held it up over my head and made the little angels light noise AWWHAAHHWW everyone out side cheered it was great until the guy came out and said " were all out of 16g's" Ouch for all those people in line...anywaz I had to wait till that night to open it up and start it cause I had to go to work, all day I would open the box and touch it, it was great I finally got it after waiting all these month. I was we are two weeks later and I have to say it's in my top five 1)Jesus 2)wife kids 3)parents other family 4)Iphone 5)In N Out Burger I know it passed in and out when it had that scrolling date and time thing it's so amazing I'm really enjoying it! It's great...

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