Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Me? Trouble??

So this on going feud has been going on at my work pretty much since the day I started. Actually since the Day I started in Youth Ministry, but I’ll talk more about that at a later time. I’m actually going to write a book with comic strips about other youth people that have had this same feud, so be watching for that someday. I started here as youth director in September and right away I made some small changes. First I took the stinky couches out and got used ones that all matched from the Gospel Mission. They didn’t smell bad and the kids weren’t all “that used to be in my house and I little sister peed on it like five times” YAHOO right? Nope!! I was told no more couches could come into the youth room, followed by “Some people don’t even want this to be the youth room?” WHAT really? OK I’m here to reach out to youth in our community not cause problems and be told I don’t even matter….going on I got some new staging to spruce it up a bit ok no troubles, then my big wheels started to come in, we had a huge fund raiser for our mission trips where we raced big wheels in a figure 8 track loads of fun, then my Dad and I started going downhill with my intern and brother, so it’s all fun and happy. We did a youth service where I spoke and we promoted the big wheel event it was great but of course their were problems cause we were riding them inside, they don’t make any more of a mark then a dolly or wheel chair, no problem. Dan’s last week last week we decided to let loose and go for a ride around one last time no troubles then we come in on Monday and our big wheels are locked to the Green machine? WHAT? I think it’s pretty funny cause we didn’t make any marks and didn’t run into any walls just having some fun.. so I cut the chain problem solved….that’s what I am problem solver….here is a cool video to commemorate our moment of triumph…And by the way I got a written safety violation for riding them inside

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