Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Wow June got here really fast, I thought I’d give a quick update on what’s going on in our life. As you probable know we are moving to Santa Rosa California in two weeks. WOW has it been a ride since the end of April. Shanna and I were able to get away for a nice weekend. Thank you bad economy for allowing us to have super cheap airline tickets and even cheaper hotel stays in Las Vegas. It was the first time since our honeymoon ten years ago that we were on vacation by ourselves. It was wonderful. Since that we have finished our classes at TMCC and will be transferring to University of Phoenix on campus program in California. We have packed up our place and Shanna left with the girls to start her new job in California. I’m still here in Sparks finishing up some things subbing at the schools and anxiously awaiting news from any of the jobs I applied for. The best news so far is from a small church I am looking at working for. It’s a small church and only a part time position, but it’s a great start and they have a great senior pastor. Here is the website if you want to take a look http://www.petalumachristian.org/ not much info but typical for church websites. I’m excited to move but sad to leave. We had such high hopes coming to Sparks, but we are moving on and seeking what God has next for us. Hope all of you are great shoot me an email anytime if you want to have coffee I’ll be in Sparks till June 9th I’d love to say hi. 4middleschool@gmail.com as always I’m pray fully seeking God, he is faithful even when man fails us.

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